Pressemelding 13. januar 2025, NMCU Norsk Motorcykkel Union:

Skal du ned til Frankrike i sommer? En 26 års lang kamp av våre venner i franske FFMC er vunnet og det er nå lovlig med lane-splitting (Fildeling) når trafikken står eller er saktegående - og de som har kjørt i Frankrike vet at trafikkork i byene er mer regelen enn unntaket.

Filtering on a motorcycle is now legal in France.

Filtering through a traffic jam on a motorcycle has finally become legal in France. After 26 years of fierce fighting this already well-established practice is recognized. The legalization of filtering is accompanied by precise rules, defined by decree, to guarantee safe and supervised practice. Here are the main points to remember:

- Filtering is allowed for drivers of motorcycles (category L3e) and motorized tricycles (category L5e) with a maximum width of 1 meter.

- It is allowed on motorways and dual carriageways separated by a central reservation with at least two lanes in each direction.

- It is allowed in the event of dense traffic on roads with uninterrupted lines.

- When the speed of other vehicles is limited to 50 km/h maximum, with sufficient space between vehicles, on a clear road (no roadworks, snow or ice) and respecting specific speed limits:

- 50 km/h maximum if traffic is moving forward,

- 30 km/h maximum if traffic is stationary, with the prohibition of overtaking another filtering motorcycle.

When traffic flows again, re-join traffic without delay.