9th Hard Rock Bike Show 2021

Text & Photo: Oda
The last Sunday in September is now a nailed-down date in the calendar to go to Sweden's Capital and Sveavägen. It has become a standing tradition and this year it was time for the ninth time. What am I waffling about? Well then it's "Hard Rock Bike Show". This year it was a bit worse with visitors but was probably mainly due to the weather. So there on the spot outside the entrance to Hard Rock Café there was a nice collection of motorcycles. It was mostly Harley's, of course, for obvious reasons, because one of the organizers was the large motorcycle shop south of town. It was probably the last chance of the year to mingle and view various buildings before the winter. As an exhibitor you get lunch at the café. There will also be two winners, one that the exhibitors will vote for and then People's Choice award that the visitors voted for. We look forward to next year's exhibition which may be a 10 year anniversary who knows! We congratulate the winners, Helena with her shovel and Richard on his panhead (people's choice).
Peoples choice