Text: Jens Fredrik von der Lippe (Greven)
Sources: Crocker, MCM, Wiki
Over 30 speedway Crocker 500 cc motorcycles were produced before Al Crocker began work on creating a V-twin motorcycle. The first V-twin entry for Crocker in 1936 had a 61 in³ (1,020 cc) «Hemi» Head producing 55-60 hp, exceeding the horsepower produced of both the Indian and Harley of those days (38-40 hp). Many Crockers were manufactured to order, with the 91+ cubic inch (about 1,500 cc) being the largest capacity production motorcycle of the time. Due to war the production ceased in 1942. Al Crocker also produced an overhead valve conversion kit in the late 1920s for the Indian 101 «Scout».
The proprietor and founder of the company, Albert «Al» Crocker, ceased motorcycle production in 1942 when the war effort put a shortage on critical materials. Indian and Harley received contracts with the US Army for military motorcycle production and Crocker received a contract with Douglas Aircraft making aircraft parts. That became a more lucrative business for Al Crocker than motorcycle manufacturing, and in 1942, Crocker Motorcycle became Crocker Manufacturing. Al Crocker died in 1961. Designer of many of the components, Paul Bigsby, went on to fame as a designer of guitars and particularly of the Bigsby vibrato tailpiece.
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